Founded in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1984, Ryman Healthcare is a leader in retirement living and aged care.
Our driving purpose is to enhance freedom, connection and wellbeing for people as we grow older.
We own and operate 48 retirement villages across New Zealand and Victoria, Australia which are home to over 14,000 residents, offering a range of retirement living options that allow residents to choose the lifestyle that’s right for them.
For forty years, our guiding principle has been everything we do must be ‘Good enough for mum and dad.’
Care lies at the heart of our business, and we offer a range of aged care options that can be tailored to meet the individual needs and preferences of our residents.
Founded in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1984, Ryman Healthcare is a leader in retirement living and aged care.
Our driving purpose is to enhance freedom, connection and wellbeing for people as we grow older.
We own and operate 48 retirement villages across New Zealand and Victoria, Australia which are home to over 14,000 residents, offering a range of retirement living options that allow residents to choose the lifestyle that’s right for them.
For forty years, our guiding principle has been everything we do must be ‘Good enough for mum and dad.’
Care lies at the heart of our business, and we offer a range of aged care options that can be tailored to meet the individual needs and preferences of our residents.
Ryman Healthcare was founded in Christchurch in 1984 and owns and operates 49 retirement villages in New Zealand and Australia. Ryman villages are home to 14,600 residents, and the company employs 7,700 staff.
Contact Hayden Strickett, Head of Investor Relations - email:
Our share register is managed by Link Market Services. Please send a change of personal details or any questions about dividends to or phone +64 9 375 5998.
Contact our media team on or Camille Middleditch at
Phone: 0800 588 222
Christchurch office: 03 366 4069
PO Box 771, Christchurch 8140
New Zealand