Kathy and Birger have one message – start living the
easy life as soon as you can!


"Our future cost of living was a big factor. Knowing that our base weekly fee is fixed made it easy for me to retire earlier than I had planned."

- Birger


‘Busy’ might be an understatement when describing Kathy and Birger’s lives before they moved to Ryman’s Linda Jones Village.
Birger held senior corporate roles with regular international travel while Kathy juggled volunteering roles and four children then six grandchildren. They laugh at how relaxing their retirement lifestyle is in comparison. “Every night I go and stand on the veranda and count my blessings. I’m so happy to be here because life is so simple now”, says Kathy.

Knowing that their base weekly fee is fixed * helped Birger retire earlier than planned. He consults on his own terms now, giving back by supporting those up-and-coming in their careers. “It gives me a lot of satisfaction. I don’t have to do the consulting, but I enjoy it.” And Kathy is still busy with their grandchildren, picking them up after school and taking them to the village swimming pool. “Moving to the village hasn’t changed our family lifestyle at all. The grandkids love coming here.”

Birger laughs that now they have time “to do more enjoyable things than chores.” Which is exactly what Kathy hears from fellow residents. “Everybody here says they have more time. If I had downtime at the house, I was in the garden. It was a much busier lifestyle.” For Birger, “It’s the simplicity. And we feel safer here. We’re part of a community, not on our own.” And they’ve already tested their safety by accidentally setting off their fire alarm. “We burnt toast! And they were here very quickly.”

Kathy says she had a lightbulb moment after moving to the village. “I realised that this is peace of mind. We know exactly what our expenses are, so you worry much less. You can go on holiday knowing that security comes through every night. The staff are absolutely lovely. And if you have a fall or emergency there’s a button you can press, and help will be here in 30 seconds.” Looking to the future, Birger is reassured that “we chose this village because if we need additional support or medical care, it’s available here.”

Kathy and Birger are enjoying their independence amid a vibrant new community. They can be found kicking up their heels at Bee Gees and Bruce Springsteen tribute concerts or cheering at the rugby with their new village friends. As Kathy says, “We wanted a simpler life with peace of mind. And that’s what we’ve found.”

*Some conditions apply.

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