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Wendy & John's Winter Escapes

August 29, 2024


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John and Wendy standing on the Gold Bridge at Ba Na Hills in Vietnam.


Winter’s almost over, and while many of us are shaking off the chilly months spent indoors, Wendy and John from Keith Park Village have been making the most of every moment. For this couple, winter isn’t a time to hunker down – it’s the perfect season to jet off to warmer climates and explore hidden corners of the world.


They've just returned from their latest winter escape, where they cruised through Borneo’s wild landscapes, wandered among Cambodia’s ancient temples, and sipped coffee at a quirky train track café in Vietnam. Last year, they also followed the sun on a scenic boat tour along Croatia’s coastline. Whether they're admiring spectacular views, navigating bustling markets or connecting with locals, Wendy and John fully embrace their passion for travel.


A travel-driven lifestyle

“Travel is in the blood,” Wendy smiles. It’s no surprise, given their backgrounds. Wendy spent many years working as a travel agent, helping others plan their dream getaways, while John’s career took him from the Air Force to Air New Zealand. So, when it was time to retire, there was no question - adventure was calling.


“We love seeing new places and meeting new people,” says John. “It broadens our knowledge and understanding of the world and gives us so many memories to look back on,” Wendy adds. Their love for travel even influenced their decision to downsize when moving to Keith Park Village in Auckland. Instead of a three-bedroom, they chose a two-bedroom apartment, redirecting the savings straight into their travel fund. “It’s all about freedom,” Wendy says, “Now we can just pick up and go.”


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Wendy and John outside Ta Prohm - Cambodia's 'Tomb-raider' Temple.


Trading maintenance for memories

Their previous home was a five-bedroom property on a large, three-acre section near Whangārei. They enjoyed it for many years, but as time went on, the maintenance became overwhelming. “It was a lovely place, but the garden was getting too much,” Wendy recalls. “It was becoming a drudge; jobs that used to take half an hour were taking three!” says John.


Now, when winter rolls around, they can set off without a second thought. There's no garden upkeep and no worries about who will trim the trees. “We just lock the door and walk away,” John explains.


Although they’re now based in Auckland, the couple stay closely connected to their Whangārei roots. They often catch up with friends from Whangārei’s Jane Mander Village on small-group tours with You, Me, and Friends travel company. They value the security of group travel and enjoy sharing experiences with familiar faces.


“We’re like-minded people – it feels like a bunch of teenagers traveling together. It’s so much fun!” Wendy laughs.


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John and Wendy enjoying time with friends at a train track café in Hanoi, Vietnam


Beyond the tourist trail

Their travel highlights are as varied as they are unforgettable. From spotting orangutans in the jungle to mingling with locals on a Tuk-tuk food tour in Cambodia, they love stepping off the beaten path. “We like getting away from the tourist things and experiencing real life,” Wendy shares.


One of their most memorable moments was stumbling upon the lively chaos of Cambodia’s New Year celebrations. The streets were packed with joyful crowds, everyone armed with water guns, soaking one another in a playful battle.


“Everyone was laughing and happy. It was amazing!” says Wendy. “And it was 42 degrees, so we all dried off pretty quick!” adds John.  


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Locals celebrating the Cambodian New Year. 


But the festivities weren’t the only reason Cambodia stood out. A visit to a small village gave them the chance to connect with the locals and provide a group of children with some much-needed exercise books. “To see those little kids, eyes wide open and clutching their books - that was the highlight of the trip,” reflects Wendy. 


For John and Wendy, winter isn’t about slowing down – it’s about embracing the freedom to explore, connect, and make new memories. They’re already planning their next winter escape, proving that adventure knows no age limit, and neither does a love for discovering the world’s hidden gems.


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