Knowing where to find help is really important to keep safe, well and healthy.
Here are some places for you to find support.
OCP is an employee assistance program available to all Ryman team members and their families.
OCP services are running as normal for counselling and financial advice. They will continue their sessions by phone/ Zoom / Skype.
Please contact them on the numbers in the picture above or click on the link.
Work and Income NZ (Te Hiranga Tangata)
If you've been affected by COVID-19, Work and Income may be able to provide financial support. You may be self-isolating at home, or your work may be affected. Click on the link above to access relevant information and how to get support.
Department of Social Services Australia
Information on what government support is available to individuals and families affected by COVID-19.
Shine wants to make sure that anyone being physically or emotionally abused by a partner or family member in New Zealand has someone to talk to and can get information and professional advice – anyone who is worried about their own situation or who is worried about a friend, family member, child or anyone they know who might be living with domestic abuse. Their website has lots of information to support you, there is a free phone number and you can also hide the website from your history.
If you are affected by domestic violence, there are a number of organisations that can offer help and support, regardless of where you live in Australia. Click on the link above to access information relevant to your situation.
Research from overseas shows that in the wake of COVID-19, family violence can get worse. Mandatory isolation puts strain on most relationships and on parenting, and this is especially risky for people living with violence. Click on the link for some important tips if you’re worried about your own or someone else’s safety.
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (Australia)
Preventing violence and promoting respect - a statewide resource centre supporting workers and families to help stop family violence. Click on the link above to access their valuable information.
Are you parenting a second time around? Raising the second generation can be as rewarding and fulfilling as raising the first generation. But many of us would also agree that it’s no easy task – especially if you’re the sole carer of a child. Click on the link to access information to support you.
There is also a charitable trust, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, click on name to go to their website. They have lots of helpful information and a support line.
This is a really helpful website with information on:
- Benefits of being a grandparent carer
- Looking at the legal and financial challenges.
- Taking care of yourself so you can take care of your grandchildren