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Walking for Wellness

Walking Through the Decades Ryman 40th Anniversary EDITION 

Summit Challenge

Male aged 65-74

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Brett Murray Grace Joel 64.4
2 Birger Kirsten Linda Jones 64.4
3 Colin Burrows Keith Park 64.4
4 Keith Adams Kevin Hickman 64.4
5 Michael Sietkiewicz Murray Halberg 64.4
6 Stan Poole Evelyn Page 64.4
7 Rob Lawler Keith Park 64.4
8 Graham Miller Edmund Hillary 64.4
9 Pruden Bardell Julia Wallace 64.4
10 Stephan Bunker Jane Winstone 64.4

Male aged 75-84

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
Joint 1 Tony Ameye Anthony Wilding 64.4
Joint 1 Dick Coventry Linda Jones 64.4
2 Bryan Fraser Charles Fleming 64.4
Joint 3 Les Christopher Linda Jones 64.4
Joint 3 David Parsons Linda Jones 64.4
4 Murray Giles Charles Upham 64.4
Joint 5 Bruce Stewart James Wattie 64.4
Joint 5 Clifford Frangos Linda Jones 64.4
Joint 5 Tony Farmer Murray Halberg 64.4
6 Winston Uren Hilda Ross 64.4

Male aged 85+

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Brian Robert Bartrum Anthony Wilding 64.4
2 Terence Brighouse Linda Jones 64.4
3 Tony Gardiner Malvina Major 64.4
4 James Scott Edmund Hillary 64.4
5 Michael Crampton Ernest Rutherford 64.4
6 Paul Noone Weary Dunlop 64.4
7 Ted Hutchinson Anthony Wilding 64.4
8 Robert Boyle Ernest Rutherford 64.4
9 Allan Bridgeman Jean Sandel 64.4
10 Bryan Williams Jean Sandel 64.4

Female aged 65-74

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Anne Welsh Linda Jones 64.4
Joint 2 Helen Lane Keith Park 64.4
Joint 2 Heather Baumberg Hilda Ross 64.4
3 Lorene Veale Bob Scott 64.4
Joint 4 Pamela Hide Linda Jones 64.4
 Joint 4 Diana Morris Linda Jones 64.4
Joint 4 Gloria Sargent Kiri Te Kanawa 64.4
5 Maureen Lyon Keith Park 64.4
6 Marian McDonald Bert Sutcliffe 64.4
7 Sandy Lamb Malvina Major 64.4

Female aged 75-84

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Irienne Ameye Anthony Wilding 64.4
2 Norma Kerr Linda Jones 64.4
 Joint 3 Norah Fraser Charles Fleming 64.4
 Joint 3 Jan Wickens William Sanders 64.4
 Joint 4 Sue Greet Anthony Wilding 64.4
Joint 4 Virginia Ffitch Charles Upham 64.4
Joint 5 Judith Kilmartin John Flynn 64.4
Joint 5 Lyn Koster Kevin Hickman 64.4
6 Lyndell Johns Hilda Ross 64.4
Joint 7 Gwen Sedgewick Weary Dunlop 64.4
Joint 7 Liz Balfour-Patmoy James Wattie 64.4
Joint 7 Helen Hall Rowena Jackson 64.4

Female aged 85+

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Barbara Lagan Bob Owens 64.4
2 Dorothy Hughes Kevin Hickman 64.4
3 Margaret MacColl Edmund Hillary 64.4
Joint 4 Barbara Helen Thomas Anthony Wilding 64.4
Joint 4 Beryl Duncan Anthony Wilding 64.4
5 Jeryl Archer Bob Owens 64.4
6 Phyllis Thorby Edmund Hillary 64.4
7 Marie Solomon Charles Fleming 64.4
8 Helen SHEARER Jean Sandel 64.4
9 Margaret Nicol Bob Owens 64.4

Summit Return Challenge

Male aged 65-74

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
Joint 1 Gregory Pringle John Flynn 128.7
Joint 1 Philip Youens Edmund Hillary 128.7
2 Rein Bakker Diana Isaac 128.7
3 Alec Neill Kevin Hickman 128.7
4 Martyn Bradley Logan Campbell 128.7
5 Warwick Palmer Logan Campbell 128.7
6 Greg Rhodes Kevin Hickman 128.7
7 Kevin Wilks Jean Sandel 128.7
8 Doug Baker Frances Hodgkins 128.7
9 CK Khoo Miriam Corban 128.7

Male aged 75-84

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Tony Watson Linda Jones 128.7
Joint 2 Eric Cockerton William Sanders 128.7
Joint 2 Brian Clarkson Kevin Hickman 128.7
3 Len Stephens Charles Upham 128.7
Joint 4 Chip Eade Miriam Corban 128.7
Joint 4 Ralph Martin Keith Park 128.7
5 Ian Dalton Logan Campbell 128.7
6 Hugh White Rowena Jackson 128.7
7 Jim Garrie Weary Dunlop 128.7
8 Peter O’Malley Ngaio Marsh 128.7

Male aged 85+

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 H Rex Hadley Linda Jones 128.7
2 Clive Watson Hilda Ross 128.7
Joint 3 Gerry Hodgson Bob Owens 128.7
Joint 3 Terence Barrett Rita Angus 128.7
Joint 3 John Andreae Shona McFarlane 128.7
Joint 4 Nelson Speirs Julia Wallace 128.7
Joint 4 Anthony Dell Diana Isaac 128.7
5 Garth Barfoot Bert Sutcliffe 128.7
6 Graham Tate Diana Isaac 128.7
7 Pat Sale Bob Owens 128.7

Female aged 65-74

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Adrienne Peat Miriam Corban 128.7
2 Liz Palmer Logan Campbell 128.7
3 Barbara Bishop Diana Isaac 128.7
4 Brigitte Harre Keith Park 128.7
Joint 5 Mary Seenan Nellie Melba 128.7
Joint 5 Margaret Seenan Nellie Melba 128.7
6 Gail Whiteman Linda Jones 128.7
7 Marilyn Burtenshaw Murray Halberg 128.7
8 Jenny Kearns James Wattie 128.7
9 Judy Thomson Deborah Cheetham 128.7

Female aged 75-84

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Susan Harper Linda Jones 128.7
 Joint 2 Noreen Parsons Linda Jones 128.7

Joint 2

Margaret Morrison Ernest Rutherford 128.7
Joint 3 Margaret Vlaar Possum Bourne 128.7
Joint 3 Margaret Harris James Wattie 128.7
Joint 4 Glynne Cockerton William Sanders 128.7
Joint 4 Valerie Jamieson Bert Sutcliffe 128.7
Joint 4 Mary Collins Hilda Ross 128.7
5 Annette Nicholls Evelyn Page 128.7
Joint 6 Gemma Van Leeuwen Possum Bourne 128.7
Joint 6 Sue  Youens Edmund Hillary 128.7
Joint 6 Sandra Dalton Logan Campbell 128.7

Female aged 85+

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Mona Robertson Rowena Jackson 128.7
Joint 2 Ciska Hommel Hilda Ross 128.7
Joint 2 Joy Gray Hilda Ross 128.7
3 Lorelle Meyer Edmund Hillary 128.7
4 Jeanette Hastie Bob Owens 128.7
5 Lynn Fraser Jane Mander 128.7
6 Margaret Maher Raelene Boyle 128.7
7 Margaret Moller Jensen Bob Scott 128.7
8 Suzanne Franklin-Gard’ner Bob Owens 128.7
9 Shirley Bellamy Bob Owens 128.7


We know how much our residents love Walking for Wellness and we’re excited to host Ryman’s 40th Anniversary Edition – Walking Through the Decades! 

After enjoying the health and wellbeing activities throughout Wellness Month in August we hope this will motivate you to get your walking shoes on and enjoy the many health and wellbeing benefits of Walking for Wellness!

We are challenging our residents to walk 60km or 120km during September.  There will be many milestones along your mission that will unlock information and fun facts about Ryman through the decades. 

Every Kilometre Counts

There will be everything to walk for as our Active Ageing Village of the Year 2024 will be decided from this event. 

This year will include individual challenges and an all-village challenge.  

Every kilometre will count as villages compete to see which village can walk the furthest! 

To determine our Active Ageing Village of the Year, this will be calculated on the average walked by each registered resident to keep it fair for all villages of varying sizes.

Woman Walking in Autum

Who can participate?

The 60km and 120km individual challenges are open to all independent and serviced apartment residents.  Please note, residents registering for an individual challenge will need an email address. 

There are three age categories, split by gender: 65-74, 75-84, and 85+. 

This event is for everyone!  For those who love a challenge, and for those who simply want to enjoy the fun and camaraderie of taking part while contributing to their overall Walking for Wellness village tally.

To encourage participation from all village residents, there is a combined virtual challenge for serviced apartment and care centre residents to walk up to 120km as a team.  

How does it work?

All participants will be registered on My Virtual Mission.  You will track your progress and the progress of other Ryman residents and villages across Australia and New Zealand.  

My Virtual Mission information and login details will be sent to all participants by email on Wednesday 28 August.

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Events and news

Join weekly inter-village walks in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, and Melbourne.  

Try something new with a virtual tai chi class accessible via the myRyman resident app.

And you can check in here to see what your fellow competitors have been up to.  

If you need a little more encouragement to register, check out some of the truly inspirational resident stories from our 2023 Walking for Wellness event

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If you enjoy being competitive, try for a place on the leaderboard!

There will be a leaderboard for every age category and gender and, to keep everyone motivated, there will be an overall village leaderboard!  These will be updated every weekday (not on weekends).  

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Medal motivation

For our most competitive residents, there are medals up for grabs!

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Helpful resources

Link up on Facebook and view our FAQs section below.


See what's been happening so far

Watch some of our fabulous participants over the past three months.

Total distance walked during October: 38,318.8 km


These leaderboards show the combined results across all villages (NZ & AU).


Female aged 65-74(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Anne Welsh Linda Jones 60
2 Lorene Veale Bob Scott 60
Joint 3 Eileen Jorgensen Northwood 60
Joint 3 Lynette Simpson Malvina Major 60
4 Kerrie Martin James Wattie 60
5 Gail Whiteman Linda Jones 60
6 Raewyn Darrach Keith Park 60
7 Win Baker Kiri Te Kanawa 60
8 Jan Stretton William Sanders 60
9 Julie Delaney Northwood 60

Female aged 65-74(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Adrienne Peat Miriam Corban 120
2 Di Mist Patrick Hogan 120
3 June Shields Weary Dunlop 120
4 Liz Palmer Logan Campbell 120
Joint 5 Mary Seenan Nellie Melba 120
Joint 5 Margaret Seenan Nellie Melba 120
6 Ria Verburgh Charles Upham 120
7 Sandy Lamb Malvina Major 120
8 Michele Smith Shona McFarlane 120
9 Sue Greet Anthony Wilding 120


Male aged 65-74(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Rein Bakker Diana Isaac 60
2 Brian Deacon Keith Park 60
3 Brett Murray Grace Joel 60
4 Birger Kirsten Linda Jones 60
5 John Williamson Keith Park 60
6 Bruce Gorrie Evelyn Page 60
7 Tony Smith Linda Jones 60
8 Peter Cartwright Shona McFarlane 60
9 Roger Williams Northwood 60
10 Andrew Philson Keith Park 60


Male aged 65-74(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Philip Youens Edmund Hillary 120
2 Keith Moretta Malvina Major 120
3 Martyn Bradley Logan Campbell 120
4 John O’Connor Keith Park 120
5 Earl Ellis Keith Park 120
6 Alex Neill Kevin Hickman 120
7 Ian Smith Shona McFarlane 120
8 Doug Baker Frances Hodgkins 120
9 Stewart France Linda Jones 120
10 Wayne Gurney John Flynn 120

Female aged 75-84(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Noreen Parsons Linda Jones 60
2 Mary Collins Hilda Ross 60
3 Norma Kerr Linda Jones 60
4 Norah Fraser Charles Fleming 60
5 Cynthia Leigh Linda Jones 60
6 Pauline Lewis Evelyn Page 60
7 Rosalie Wheeler Possum Bourne 60
8 Christine Morgan Evelyn Page 60
9 Lyndell Johns Hilda Ross 60
10 Dawn Bradley Logan Campbell 60

Female aged 75-84(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Susan Harper Linda Jones 120
2 Margaret Morrison Ernest Rutherford 120
3 Margaret Vlaar Possum Bourne 120
4 Margaret Harris James Wattie 120
5 Glynne Cockerton William Sanders 120
Joint 6 Leonie Manson Bruce McLaren 120
Joint 6 Lily Yeo Nellie Melba 120
7 Karen Soppet Possum Bourne 120
8 Trewyn Shewan Hilda Ross 120
9 Bev Hodges Northwood 120


Male aged 75-84(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Brian Henry Hilda Ross 60
2 Les Christopher Linda Jones 60
3 Dick Coventry Linda Jones 60
4 Bruce McSkimming Charles Fleming 60
5 Pierre Alexandre Kevin Hickman 60
6 Dennis Anderson Evelyn Page 60
7 Cliff Frangos Linda Jones 60
8 David Parsons Linda Jones 60
9 Winston Uren Hilda Ross 60
10 Paul Clifford Linda Jones 60


Male aged 75-84(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Tony Watson Linda Jones 120
2 Bryan Fraser Charles Fleming 120
3 Brian Clarkson Kevin Hickman 120
4 Chip Eade Miriam Corban 120
5 Eric Cockerton William Sanders 120
6 Robert Newton James Wattie 120
7 Jim Garrie Weary Dunlop 120
8 John Hodges Northwood 120
9 Ray Clarke Miriam Corban 120
10 Ian Dalton Logan Campbell 120

Female aged 85+(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Jeryl Archer Bob Owens 60
2 Gwen Sedgewick Weary Dunlop 60
3 Phyllis Thorby Edmund Hillary 60
4 Barbara Lagan Bob Owens 60
5 Jeanette Bruerton Jane Mander 60
6 Bernice Thomas Hilda Ross 60
7 Anne Allen Jane Mander 60
8 Kath Kenrick Linda Jones 60
9 Joyce Conley Murray Halberg 60
10 Jean Cockell Edmund Hillary 60

Female aged 85+(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Marlene Harnett Bob Owens 120
2 Ciska Hommel Hilda Ross 120
3 Elsie Breilamd Deborah Cheetham 120
4 Lynn Fraser Jane Mander 120
5 Jackie Clark Anthony Wilding 120
6 Margaret Moller -Jensen Bob Scott 120
7 Mona Robertson Rowena Jackson 120
8 Dorothy Hughes Kevin Hickman 120
9 Margaret Maher Raelene Boyle 120
10 Barbara Clarke Anthony Wilding 120


Male aged 85+(60km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Jim Martin Linda Jones 60
2 John Burgess William Sanders 60
3 Michael Crampton Ernest Rutherford 60
4 Brian Wright Miriam Corban 60
5 Bill Trewheellar Princess Alexandra 60
6 Vic Murray William Sanders 60
7 Kerry Bentley Bob Owens 60
8 Russell Parish Logan Campbell 60
9 Tony Lawson Shona McFarlane 60
10 Ian Simpson Logan Campbell 60


Male aged 85+(120km)

Position First Name Last Name Village Distance Walked
1 Clive Watson Hilda Ross 120
2 Len Stephens Charles Upham 120
3 Terence Barrett Rita Angus 120
4 Peter O'Malley Ngaio Marsh 120
5 Jack Kohnert Charles Brownlow 120
6 Allan Bridgeman Jean Sandel 120
7 Frank Kelberg Charles Brownlow 120
8 Brian Cutting Grace Joel 120
9 Nelson Speirs Julia Wallace 120
10 Graeme Gilmer Deborah Cheetham 120
Position Team Name Village Distance Walked
1 Serviced Apartment Hilda Ross 120
2 Serviced Apartment Charles Fleming 120
3 Rest Home Edmund Hillary 120
4 Serviced Apartment Edmund Hillary 120
5 Serviced Apartment Bob Scott 120
6 Serviced Apartment Deborah Cheetham 120
7 Rest Home Frances Hodgkins 120
8 Serviced Apartment Rowena Jackson 120
9 Serviced Apartment Evelyn Page 120
10 Rest Home Rowena Jackson 120
Position Village Distance Walked Number of residents & care areas registered Average distance walked per resident & care area
1 Frances Hodgkins 360 3 120.00
2 Logan Campbell 1637.81 23 71.21
3 Northwood 780 11 70.91
4 Patrick Hogan 562.196 8 70.27
5 Edmund Hillary 3610.43 55 65.64
6 Keith Park 1847.17 30 61.57
7 Linda Jones 2889.32 47 61.47
8 Hilda Ross 1639.511 27 60.72
9 Charles Brownlow 1214.269 20 60.71
10 Kevin Hickman 1335.4 22 60.70


Medal motivation

Individual Awards:
For each individual challenge, medals will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest individuals in their age and gender category.

Team Awards:
For the serviced apartment and care centre team challenge, medals will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest teams.

Celebrating our Participants and Active Ageing Village of the Year:
During the week commencing 7 October, each village will host a themed Walking for Wellness happy hour to celebrate your participants and medal winners.

Which village will be awarded the Active Ageing Village of the Year 2024?

Event Timeline

It is time to start preparing for the Walking for Wellness: Walking Through the Decades
Here is what’s happening in the coming weeks!

31 July - 13 August

Registration Opens 

You'll need an individual email address and a smartphone or computer. 

Please see your Activity & Lifestyle Coordinator if you would like to take part in the serviced apartment team challenge. 


1 September - 30 September

Walking for Wellness – Walking Through the Decades is underway!

It’s time to walk it your way! How will you get your steps up? Strolls around the village? Walking around your local neighbourhood? Join the weekly intervillage walks, or your village walking group to walk in the company of fellow participants.

Important Reminder: 
Only steps walked during an intentional walk should be counted.  Steps walked as you go about your day should not be included.  


Village Celebrations

It’s time to celebrate all our winners, participants, supporters, and village teams!

Upcoming events


tai chi walking for wellness

Tai Chi Class

Wednesday 18 September 11:30am NZ/ 9.30am AU

Meeting ID: 840 9924 4965
Passcode: 187787


Join Zoom Meeting

Stretch class

Intervillage Walks


view here

Latest News

Resident Stories

Send us your photos!

We would love to see photos of you and your fellow participants in action – so please send us photos of yourself, your fellow residents, and the scenery you’re enjoying while you walk!  

We may share your photos on our website and the private Facebook group for the event. Please check with everyone who appears in your photos that they are happy for this to be shared.  

Send your photos to: residentexperience@rymanhealthcare.com

Helpful resources

Please view the My Virtual Mission Support documents here

Connect on

Join the private Facebook group: Ryman Healthcare Active Aging Event – Walking for Wellness.



Frequently asked questions

Event registrations will open on Wednesday 31 July, and close on Tuesday 13 August

Please see your Activity & Lifestyle Coordinator if you would like to take part in the serviced apartment team challenge.

The 60km and 120km individual virtual challenges are open to all independent and serviced apartment residents.

The team challenge is available to all serviced apartment and care residents. 

To register for the individual events, you will need a valid email address. If you would like some help setting up an email address so you can join the fun, a family member would be the best person to support you with this. 

If you decide you would like to participate after registration closes, please email our Resident Experience team on residentexperience@rymanhealthcare.com.

We would love you to join us for the event, but we understand if you change your mind. If this happens, just email your cancellation request to our Resident Experience team at residentexperience@rymanhealthcare.com with your full name and village, before the event begins.

No! We care about the health and wellbeing of our residents and providing residents with an opportunity to participate in this event is our pleasure. We will pay for your subscription to the My Virtual Mission app.

We do ask that if you register, that you do participate, as we have paid for your subscription. 

The event begins on Sunday, 1 September, when the mission will be activated. You will receive an email with your login details on Wednesday, 28 August.

Your login email sent on Wednesday, 28 August will include information on how to download the app or access the mission via the web browser. 

If you need some help, your Activity & Lifestyle or Resident Experience Coordinator will also be able to support you.

Couple Walking on Pavement

Contact us

Your Activity & Lifestyle or Resident Experience Coordinator will be able to answer any questions about the event. They can support you with My Virtual Mission and can assist to get you registered.

If you have any other feedback, please email our Resident Experience team at residentexperience@rymanhealthcare.com

Ryman Healthcare has taken all reasonably practicable steps to reduce the risks to your health and safety in these events.  However, Ryman Healthcare assumes no responsibility for any health condition you may have which may be exacerbated undertaking this event.

If you would like to know more about how we manage your personal information click here.